Gold Work incorporates a portfolio of promotional images, printed c1970s, which comprise of full colour reproductions of objects from the collections of Museo del Oro (Gold Museum), Bogotá. The object that appears most frequently in the series - against a saturated green background - is the Poporo Quimbaya, an important object used by indigenous cultures and a national symbol. Originally discovered by guaqueros (grave robbers), this object was the first piece acquired for what would become the collection of Banco de la Republica and Museo del Oro, Bogotá.
The graphic, silhouetted eyes are drawn from ‘alcancías’ (ceramic money banks), a mass-produced souvenir abundant in artisan shops throughout the city. Each print is issued with one folded corner, revealing the image source as ‘Banco de fotografias Movifoto’.
Gold Work (2017)
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